Online Learning

Would you like to update your skills or learn something new? Online learning allows you to do just that, often in a less structured environment than a traditional school environment. Many times, this online learning allows you to learn when you have time and energy and allow you to choose the time to do so. Whether you want to learn more about your computer and how to use it, or just about anything else, there is probably somewhere online that will allow to do
so. However, how much will this cost you? Do a Google search on
free online learning and you will find many web sites. My topic today concerns a couple of those free sites, in this case ones I have used.
The first web site is from the Goodwill Community Foundation International. This web site has many lessons on many different topics, including Windows, Microsoft Office as well as other computer topics. It also has lessons to help your career and many to help you with your everyday life. Some lessons include videos or other interactive sections to help you learn.
Hewlett Packard also has free online learning in their HP Learning Center. Mostly, these classes are on computer related topics, including digital photography along with the expected ones on Microsoft Office,
and computer security.
I will close with a link to an article from Kim Komando, called
Learn something new online.

Thanks for stopping by…

About Mike

Mike Walker is the owner of M D Computer Works.
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