With the changes already announced, I will be moving my blog to a new location (yet to be determined) and adding posts on many other topics besides computers. I plan on continuing to add posts related to computers.
I believe that adding posts on different topics may interest others, especially in the new things I am going through as I move into retirement and Medicare. Preparing for retirement and the changes involved with it are completely new to myself and are interesting and frustrating at the same time.
At this date, both my wife and myself have retired. Many of the changes moving from being an employee to being retired involve many changes. In addition to changing the daily routine, it also involves many financial changes as we are discovering. While I have only been retired for 10 days, I have already received my first retirement check. On the other hand, my wife has been retired over a month and she still has not received her first retirement check. This just underscores the uncertainty of changes in finances. Another change when going to social security is the very real possibility of not receiving your first check for almost two months. Social security is a topic which will come up later.
At this point, we are both enjoying the time off and getting used to the changes.